Lab News
*New Paper* in Energy & Buildings
Our paper "EnergyPlus as a computational engine for commercial building operational digital twins" was published in Energy & Buildings. This work was in collaboration with Dr. Aqsa Naeem, Dr. Jacques de Chalendar, Prof. Sally Benson and Erik Kolderup. Congrats to Eleanor who led this work from UIL! (Note the above link is valid until March 4, 2025 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Energy & Buildings
Our paper "Multi-scale retrofit pathways for improving building performance and energy equity across cities: A UBEM framework" was published in Energy & Buildings. Congrats to Lauren who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until December 12, 2024 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in the Journal of Building Engineering
Our paper "Predicting Indoor Personalized Heat Stress Using Wearable Sensors and Data-Driven Models" was published in the Journal of Building Engineering. This work was in collaboration with Prof. So-Min Cheong from the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University. Congrats to Kopal who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until November 13, 2024 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Energy & Buildings
Our paper "E-Audit: A “no-touch” energy audit that integrates machine learning and simulation" was published in Energy & Buildings. Congrats to Lauren and Abigail who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until July 30, 2024 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Applied Energy
Our paper "Examining the impact of energy efficiency retrofits and vegetation on energy performance of institutional buildings: An equity-driven analysis" was recently published in Applied Energy. Congrats to Lauren who led this work!
Best Paper at UHI2023!
UIL PhD student Lauren Excell was awarded the Best Student Paper award at the 6th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (UHI 2023)! Congrats Lauren!
*New Paper* in Environment & Planning B
Our paper "Quantifying the pedestrian access potential of suburban street network retrofits" was recently published in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Congrats to Rohan who led this work!
*New Paper* in the Journal of Building Engineering
Our paper "Evaluating building decarbonization potential in U.S. cities under emissions based building performance standards and load flexibility requirements" was published in the Journal of Building Engineering. Congrats to Abigail who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until Sept 10, 2023 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Building & Environment!
Our paper "Tropical climates and the interplay between IEQ and energy consumption in buildings: A review" was published in Building & Environment. This work was in collaboration with colleagues at IIT-Bombay (Prof. Chirag Deb, Prof. Arnab Jana, Ashutosh Verma, Vallary Gupta). Congrats to the whole team! (Note the above link is valid until August 22, 2023 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
UIL Director awarded the Eugene L. Grant Teaching Award
UIL Director Rishee Jain was awarded the 2023 Eugene L. Grant Teaching Award in recognition of his dedication and excellence in teaching as voted by the undergraduate students in the CEE Department at Stanford.
UIL Director featured in Fifth Wall Interview
UIL Director Rishee Jain was interviewed as part of Fifth Wall's video OpEd on The Future of Sustainable Cities.
*New Paper* in Advances in Applied Energy
Our paper "TOM.D: Taking advantage of microclimate data for urban building energy modeling" was published in Advances in Applied Energy. Congrats to Tom who led this work!
*New Paper* Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability
Our paper "Natural ventilation versus air pollution: assessing the impact of outdoor pollution on natural ventilation potential in informal settlements in India" was published in Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability. Congrats to Kopal who led this work!
*New Paper* in Applied Energy!
Our paper "The impact of urban form on daily mobility demand and energy use: Evidence from the United States" was published in Applied Energy. This work was in collaboration with Zach Needell at LBNL. Congrats to the whole team! (Note the above link is valid until May 28, 2023 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Our paper "A barrier too far: Undersanding the role of intersection crossing distance on bicycle rider behavior in Chicago" was published in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Congrats to Rohan who led this work!
*New Paper* in Sustainable Cities & Society
Our paper "Invisible Walls: Exploration of Microclimate Effects on Building Energy Consumption in New York City" was published in Sustainable Cities & Society. Congrats to Tom who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until Feb 25, 2023 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Applied Energy!
Our paper "Beyond Energy Efficiency: A clustering approach to embed demand flexibility into building energy benchmarking" was published in Applied Energy. Congrats to Abigail who led this work! (Note the above link is valid until November 27, 2022 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
UIL work featured on HAI blog
UIL's work on using satellite imagery to quantify building energy usage was recently featured on Stanford's Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) Institute. Congrats to Tom who led this work!
*New Paper* published in Applied Energy!
In collaboration with Engie, we published a new paper "Optimizing pipe network design and central plant positioning of district heating and cooling System: A Graph-Based Multi-Objective genetic algorithm approach" in Applied Energy. Congrats to the whole team! (Note the above link is valid until October 28, 2022 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Nature Scientific Data
We were part of a large-scale effort led by Prof. Bing Dong (Syracuse) to curate A Global Building Occupant Behavior Database that was recenlty published in Nature Scientific Data. Congrats to the team that spanned 15 countries!
*New Paper* in Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities
Our paper "Data-Driven Examination of the Impact Energy Efficiency has on Demand Response Capabilities in Institutional Buildings" was published in the Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings & Cities. This paper was a collaboration with Prof. Johanna Mathieu at the University of Michigan. Congrats Abigail on this collaborative effort!
Research featured on Stanford Engineering webpage
Our work was featured in a recent piece on Stanford Engineering's website: A data-driven approach to cooling. Congrats to all the UIL team members and collaborators that contributed to this research!
*New Paper* in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Our paper "Cool roofs can mitigate cooling energy demand for informal settlement dwellers" was published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Congrats to Alex who led this project in collaboration with Prof. Narasimha Rao at Yale and Dr. Alessio Mastrucci at IIASA. (Note the above link is valid until April 6, 2022 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
Paper presented at BuildSys 2021
UIL PhD student Tom Dougherty presented his paper "SCHMEAR: scalable construction of holistic models for energy analysis from rooftops" at BuildSys 2021! You can view a recording of his presentation here. This work was done in collaboration with our colleagues at the Stanford Sustainable Systems Lab.
*New Paper* in Advances in Applied Energy
Our paper "Exploring the influence of urban context on building energy retrofit performance: A hybrid simulation and data-driven approach" was published in Advances in Applied Energy. Congrats Alex and Ben! This paper was published open-access.
*New Paper* in Sustainable Cities & Society
Our paper "Context-aware Urban Energy Analytics (CUE-A): A framework to model relationships between building energy use and spatial proximity of urban systems" was published in Sustainable Cities & Society. Congrats to Ranjitha and Zheng who worked on this project! (Note the above link is valid until July 10, 2021 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
*New Paper* in Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings & Cities!
Our paper "Performance of Existing Methods in Baselining Demand Response From Commercial Building HVAC Fans" was published in the Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings & Cities. This paper was a collaboration with Prof. Johanna Mathieu and Dr. Shunbo Lei at the University of Michigan. Congrats to the whole team on this collaborative effort!
*New Paper* in Energies Journal
Our paper "Uncertainty Matters: Bayesian Probabilistic Forecasting for Residential Smart Meter Prediction, Segmentation, and Behavioral Measurement and Verification" was published in Energies. This paper was a collaboration with Prof. Calyton Miller and the BUDS Lab at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Congrats to the whole team on this collaborative effort!
*New Paper* published in Energy & Buildings!
Our paper "Data-driven optimization of building layouts for energy efficiency" was published in Energy & Buildings Congrats to Andrew and Thomas! (Note the above link is valid until April 23, 2021 for free access. Please use the link from the publications page after this date.)
Best Paper Nomination at HICSS 2021!
Our paper "Modeling aggregate human mobility patterns in cities based on the spatial distribution of local infrastructure" was nominated for a Best Paper Award at 2021 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)